45. Solutions: AND and BETWEEN

Solutions to AND and BETWEEN Questions

  1. Write a query that returns all the orders where the standard_qty is over 1000, the poster_qty is 0, and the gloss_qty is 0.
FROM orders
WHERE standard_qty > 1000 AND poster_qty = 0 AND gloss_qty = 0;
  1. Using the accounts table, find all the companies whose names do not start with 'C' and end with 's'.
FROM accounts
WHERE name NOT LIKE 'C%' AND name LIKE '%s';
  1. When you use the BETWEEN operator in SQL, do the results include the values of your endpoints, or not? Figure out the answer to this important question by writing a query that displays the order date and gloss_qty data for all orders where gloss_qty is between 24 and 29. Then look at your output to see if the BETWEEN operator included the begin and end values or not.
SELECT occurred_at, gloss_qty 
FROM orders
WHERE gloss_qty BETWEEN 24 AND 29;

You should notice that there are a number of rows in the output of this query where the gloss_qty values are 24 or 29. So the answer to the question is that yes, the BETWEEN operator in SQL is inclusive; that is, the endpoint values are included. So the BETWEEN statement in this query is equivalent to having written "WHERE gloss_qty >= 24 AND gloss_qty <= 29."

  1. You will notice that using BETWEEN is tricky for dates! While BETWEEN is generally inclusive of endpoints, it assumes the time is at 00:00:00 (i.e. midnight) for dates. This is the reason why we set the right-side endpoint of the period at '2017-01-01'.
FROM web_events
WHERE channel IN ('organic', 'adwords') AND occurred_at BETWEEN '2016-01-01' AND '2017-01-01'
ORDER BY occurred_at DESC;


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